420 Peanut Butter Cookies

September 23, 2021 Recipes 2 Comments »


Hi from your Cannabis Street family. Today were all going to get a super easy fun recipe to start off with.

All were going to need for this one is

  1. 1 cup peanut butter
  2. 1 cup of granulated sugar for that special frosted look at the end 🙂
  3. 1 egg
  4. 1/4 of a cup cannabutter, softened      (simple right)
  5. preheat oven to 350f
  6. mix up those ingredients WELL
  7. roll onto a ball or use a spoon then press with a fork, hit the cookies with that granulated sugar
  8. bake for around 8 min or until whatever softness is desired

We hope you have fun with this one and enjoy the journey

2 Responses to “420 Peanut Butter Cookies”

  1. Macey Santos says:

    I’ve made this recipe and it tasted soo good ? Was super easy to follow and doesn’t require alot of ingredients. I can’t wait for the cannastreet fam to share more recipes ?

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enjoy the journey

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